November 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 27th November 2018

Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held at SSE village hall.

Present: Cllr M.Coleman (Chairman), Cllr C.Hunn (Vice-Chairman) and Cllr K. Bowman.

Stand-in Parish Clerk Mrs.C.Mackenzie

1 member of public.

1. Chairman’s welcome.

a. Chairman Cllr Coleman welcomed everyone.

Public forum for 15 mins.

2. Apologies for absence.

a. None received.

3. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

4. Parish Councillor vacancies.

a. Application had been received from Angela Savage. Angela gave a brief introduction of her reasons to join the Parish Council. After discussion by Councillors, it was resolved to invite Angela to join the Council. Documents were exchanged and Anglea was co-opted as a Parish Councillor.

5. Notes of the general meeting held on 19th September 2018 had been distributed. It was proposed by Cllr Coleman and seconded by Cllr Hunn and resolved to accept these as a true record of the minutes.

6. Police report.

a. There had been Police report given.

7. To receive the latest financial report.

a. The latest finance report had been distributed and it was resolved to accept this.

b. The Clerk had stated that there was one outstanding Allotment rent. It was agreed to send yet a third invoice this time stating an admin charge will be added due to lateness of monies due.

c. The Barclays Bank mandate had been duly signed.

d. Poppy Wreath. It was proposed by Cllr Coleman and seconded by Cllr Savage that the sum of £25 be paid as a donation to the Royal British Legion.

e. It was resolved to pay the sum of £480 for the EPC report which was part of the Village Hall lease documents.

8. Administration documents.

a. The Clerks contract of 5 hours per week had been accepted and duly signed by both Chairman and Clerk.

b. It was resolved to change the meeting day from Tuesday to Wednesdays as this fitted better with all Councillors.

c. The Clerk had managed to speak to the previous Clerk who gave apologies for still having the notice board keys in her possession. She will duly return them to a Councillor the following day.

9. Village Hall Lease.

a. The lease had now been signed by both parties and returned to the solicitors. It was prudent to ask for a copy of the keys to the village hall to be kept with all the paperwork.

10. Playing Field matters.

a. Councillors decided that as part of the ROSPA report, they would get a team of people together to clean the play equipment. Fly tipping had been noted and this was to be reported to SHDC via the on line portal.

11. Highways.

a. Nothing to report.

12. Planning applications.

a. The local planning applications had been distributed and any comments due would be dealt with accordingly. It was agreed that the list of planning applications be made available each week and also on the Parish Council website.

13. Correspondence. The Clerk had had a meeting with Tony Crofts who manages the Pride Team at SHDC. The Clerk will add Sutton St Edmund to the list of works that can be carried out by the Pride Team for next year.

14. Dates of the next meeting.

a. The date of the next meeting was proposed for Wednesday 23rd January 2019

15. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. NONE

It was agreed to stay afterwards to discuss the 2019-20 budget paperwork. The budget figure of £7000 to be requested from SHDC. Proposed by Cllr Coleman and seconded by Cllr Savage. A unanimous vote was received.