November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 24th November 2020

Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held via Zoom

Present: Cllrs M. Coleman, C. Hunns, A. Savage, J. Wardill, G. Masters and M. O’Kane.

Parish Clerk Miss D Leedham.

  1. Welcome.

Chairman Cllr Coleman welcomed everyone.

Public forum.

No items were raised during this part of the meeting.

The meeting commenced at 7.02pm.

2. Apologies for absence.

a. Apologies received from District Cllr N Pepper.

3. Declarations of interest.

  1. None received.

4. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23rd September 2020 to be accepted as the minutes.

a. Cllr Savage advised the redirection was for 6 months and not 3 months, after discussion Council asked the Clerk to check redirection cost.

b. Cllr Masters noted the minutes are circulated prior to the next meeting and is quite a while between, the Clerk advised she could circulate the draft minutes sooner alongside the actions. Council agreed, ideally within 2 weeks of the meeting.

5. Police matters.

a. The Clerk advised the Parish is covered by PCSO Bennett. The Clerk mentioned hare coursing had been an issue recently on Luttongate.  

6. CSW Report.

a. Cllr Masters updated the meeting on CSW activities, advising 3  new volunteers had recently trained making 10 volunteers in total. In total the volunteers have completed an additional 4 speedwatchs (9 in total) During the 4 speedwatchs, out of 519 vehicles 34 were exceeding the speed limit and in total out of 1170 vehicle, 102 have exceeded the speed limit. Cllr Masters advised CSW had stopped due to lockdown and hoped they would begin once lifted. Cllr Hunns enquired if a new location for Throckenholt had been agreed, Cllr O’Kane enquired whether it might be possible to use a private driveway, Cllr Masters to raise the question.

7. Financial matters.

a. The Chairman noted that the budget would be prepared for the next meeting, he advised the Council usually increased the Precept by circa 10%. Cllr Hunns noted a new lines had been added for New Play equipment and the defibrillator in the 2018-19. Cllr Hunns offered to circulate last year’s budget to all.

b. The financial report had been circulated, Cllr Savage queried the payment to Spalding Rectory. The Chairman confirmed the payment is for the rent for the land used for allotments and it was resolved to accept the figures.

8. Administration.

a. The Clerk advised she had nothing to add that was not already included in the agenda.

9. Throckenholt.

a. Cllr Wardill reiterate concerns with the fence touching the road verge, Cllr Hunns noted a similar situation in the Parish a couple of years ago which had since been rectified. Council agreed for Cllr Wardill to contact Cllr Pepper.

Cllr Wardill advised the legs on the notice board on Coronation Avenue are rotten. After discussions including the locations of notice boards across the Parish. The Council agreed for Cllr Wardill to enquire whether the notice board along Coronation Avenue could be attached to fencing, it was also agreed that Cllr Wardill would tidy the area around the notice board.

10. Village Hall.

a. Cllr Savage informed the meeting that the Village Hall Committee were continuing to make decisions on a month by month basis and the Hall would remain closed for the foreseeable. Cllr Savage advised a new flag pole had been installed and they were waiting for the new doors for the Kitchen and rear of the Hall.

b. The Chairman noted the plans confirmed the Car Park is part of the Hall and the ditches to the rear are the responsibility of the field owner.

Cllr Hunns enquired when the next annual meeting between the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee was scheduled for, Cllr Savage to confirm.

11. Playing Field.

a. Cllr Masters advised he had carried out the play equipment inspection in October and had redesigned the inspection form checklist, Cllr Masters to circulate to all. Cllr Masters noted he had been in contact with SHDC regarding the cutting back of trees and cleaning of the play equipment and they had advised this was the responsibility of the Parish Council. The inspection rota was reconfirmed as: October – Cllr Masters, November – Cllr Hunns, December – Cllr Wardill, January – Cllr Savage, February – Cllr Coleman, March – Cllr O’Kane. After discussion Council agreed to forward the Clerk the inspection forms unless there were concerns in which case the completed form would be forwarded to all. The Council asked the Clerk to look at whether forms needed to be kept and if so for how long.

Cllr Masters noted the dog waste bin had been installed and confirmed the bin would be emptied as part of the waste collections. However, Cllr Masters had emptied the bin himself and Cllr Hunns advised she had been approached by a member of the Public to say the bin was overflowing.


12. Highways.

a. Cllr Savage advised concerns had been raised regarding the mud near the post box, Cllr Masters noted the concern had been raised previously and Cllr Hunns advised a similar concern had been raised in Throckenholt. Cllr O’Kane updated the Council on a recent visit from LCC Highways where she had been advised they were looking at installing a new footpath running the length of Broadgate and the concerns relating to the mud had been raised.

Cllr Hunns noted a member of the Public had raised concerns with the road sign on the corner of Chapelgate, Cllr O’Kane advised it had been reported twice through the app and had still not been repaired. After discussion it was agreed that these concerns would be raised with County Cllr Pepper.

13. Planning.

a. The latest planning applications had been circulated and comments made on the SHDC portal.

14. Correspondence.

a. Any correspondence received had been included within the agenda.

15. Date of the next meeting.

a. The next meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Tuesday 19th January 2021, 7pm.

16. Councillors reports and items for inclusion at the next meeting.

a. The Council noted the recent litter pick had been very successful and discussed the next one, the Council agreed to put on the local Facebook page inviting others to attend.

b. Concerns were raised with a property in the Parish, the Council agreed for the Clerk to contact Environmental Health. Cllr Masters to forward location details to the Clerk.

c. Cllr O’Kane advised a member of the Public had raised concerns with the proximity of War Memorial to the road. Discussions occurred around other potential locations and partial shutting of the road, the Council agreed to discuss in further detail closer to the time next year.


Meeting closed at 8.19pm