8th January 2025
Minutes of the Sutton St Edmund Parish Council Meeting held on 8th January 2025 at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall
Present: Cllrs C. Hatch (Chair), C. Hunns, C. Allen, District Councillor Laura Eldridge, 9 members of the Public, and Miss D. Leedham (Parish Clerk).
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, taking a moment to think of those who had a difficult Christmas period.
Public Forum
The following was raised by residents regarding Solar Farms:
Residents enquired regarding the date of the Planning Committee meeting where the Solar Farm would be discussed. IT was agreed the Clerk would add to Facebook.
Action: Clerk to add to Facebook.
The following was raised by residents regarding dog fouling:
Residents raised concerns over the increase in dog fouling. All discussed the importance of cleaning up after dogs and the associated fines for non-compliance. The new signs will be added to the Playing Field and Cllr Eldridge confirmed that the fine for not cleaning up after dogs is £100, though this can be challenged if the dog is out with its owner. It was agreed that a post would be made on Facebook about this issue, advising all concerns be added to fox my street. Cllr Eldridge also advised that if regular times and locations of dog fouling are identified, this information should be provided so that enforcement officers can be dispatched. Cllr Eldridge will also look into signage options.
Action: Clerk to add '‘Fix My Street’' details to Facebook and website, and post about dog fouling.
Additionally, concerns were raised regarding the bin near the Hall and along Chapel Road, which are both overflowing. It was noted that all bins are now dual-purpose and concerns with emptying to be raised on ‘Fix My Street’.
The following was raised by residents regarding Highways:
The discussion around speeding in the village led to the suggestion of joining the Community Speed Watch (CSW) initiative to help collect data, which would then be passed to the Police. Cllr Eldridge mentioned that a survey conducted by LRSP showed insufficient speeding to take action, though the Parish Council is actively informing the Police of any concerns.
Concerns were raised regarding hay lorries hitting trees and blocking drains, particularly at the north end of Broadgate. It was agreed that the Council would try to contact farmers about these issues. Furthermore, overgrown trees and blocked drains in the area where causing issues, Council encouraged all to report on ‘Fix My Street’’
Action: Clerk to add the issue to ‘Fix My Street’.
Another concern raised was the poor visibility at the junction of South Eau Bank and Broadgate due to a hedge. Cllr Eldridge suggested approaching the property opposite the junction to request the installation of a mirror.
Action: All to add concerns regarding the hedge to ‘Fix My Street’.
- Apologies for absence and acceptance of reasons given
No apologies were received.
- To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
No declarations of interest were received.
- To consider minutes from 14th November 2024 and resolve to approve as minutes
The minutes from the meeting on 14th November 2024 were reviewed, and the Council resolved to accept them as a true record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
- To review and resolve accordingly on applications for Councillor
Applicant 1 – Graham Beatty was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Hunns, all agreed. Cllr Beatty signed the declaration of acceptance of office of Councillor.
Applicant 2 – Ray King was proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Hunns, all agreed. Cllr King signed the declaration of acceptance of office of Councillor.
Applicant 3 – was unable to attend the meeting and after discussion Council agreed to postpone reviewing his application until he was able to attend the meeting.
Action: Clerk to advise applicant 3 and invite to next Parish Council meeting.
- To review and resolve accordingly on the:
a. Latest Financial report
The financial report was circulated prior to the meeting. The Council resolved to approve the financial figures as presented.
Cllr Hunns enquired regarding outstanding payment, the Clerk outstanding income were Allotment rents and Village Hall and outstanding payments include Clerk wages and expenses for the Village sign.
Action: DL to chase/process all outstanding payments.
b. LALC Annual Subscription 2025-26
The Council resolved to continue their subscription to LALC.
c. LALC Annual Training Scheme 2025-26
The Council resolved to continue their subscription to LALC’s Annual Training Scheme (ATS).
d. 2025-26 Budget proposal
The 2025-26 Budget Report, was reviewed and agreed by Council, following a proposal by Cllr Allen and seconding by the Chairman.
e. 2025-26 Precept figure proposal
The Proposed 2025-26 Precept figure of £13086.18, was reviewed and agreed by Council, following a proposal by Cllr Beatty and seconding by Cllr Hunns.
- To review the latest planning applications and resolve accordingly:
The following Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal:
a. H19-0329-24 – Temporary ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) farm with battery – Approved.
Approved Applications:
- H19-0736-24 – Erection of a self-build agricultural workers dwelling and garage to replace existing agricultural workers’ caravan.
- H19-0152-24 – Siting of 3 LPG Tanks.
- H19-0156-24 – Siting of 3 LPG Tanks.
7. To discuss and resolve accordingly on Infrastructure Projects including Solar Farms and Pylon upgrades
Nothing further to add at present.
- To discuss recent resurfacing undertaken by LCC Highways just to the north of the Parish
The Council further discussed LCC Highways concerns and in addition to Clerk posting ‘‘Fix My Street’’ on the Facebook page and website, Council agreed for the Clerk to draft a sheet to document concerns raised and outcomes.
Action: Clerk to draft sheet.
Cllr Eldridge raised concerns regarding the trees along South Eau Bank and their proximity to the road. She advised that these concerns had been submitted to '‘Fix My Street’'.
Projects (current and potential)
- To receive updates and resolve accordingly on:
- Speed signs
The Council resolved to approve the spend of £400 for the posts for the speed signs. Clerk to note on Facebook once installation confirmed.
Action: Clerk to arrange post installation.
Action: Clerk to update Facebook.
- Playground equipment
The Council requested the Clerk finalise two quotes and provide a final bid by the end of January.
Action: Clerk to confirm final bids and arrange an extraordinary meeting.
- Gym equipment
As above.
- Gov.uk email addresses
The Clerk confirmed the order had been placed and we are awaiting domain name approval.
- Sutton St Edmund Village Sign and other update projects
Cllr Allen provided an update to the meeting, confirming that all items had been purchased and were ready for installation. They are now waiting for the weather to improve.
- Notice Boards
Cllr Hunns advised that she was working on the proposal and was currently collecting information regarding replacements.
- Airtable
The new Council members were briefed on Airtable and its uses. Cllr Allen agreed to arrange logins and any necessary training.
Action: Cllr Allen to arrange logins and training.
- Community Newsletter
Deferred to next meeting.
- Dog bins
The Council discussed dog bins, and it was agreed that the Clerk would forward pictures of the bin to Cllr Eldridge. Cllr Eldridge agreed to investigate the possibility of a replacement through SHDC, and if this was not possible, she would fund the replacement herself, the Council thanked Cllr Eldridge.
- War Memorial
The Clerk updated the meeting regarding the road closure for next year’s memorial service, noting an email had been sent to LCC and the Clerk was awaiting a response.
- Allotments
The Council briefly discussed the allotments and agree to review in more detail at the next Council meeting.
Action: Clerk to add to next meeting agenda.
Action: Clerk to circulate the allotment contracts.
- Grounds Maintenance
The Council briefly discussed the Grounds Maintenance contract and agreed that the Clerk would circulate the tender document previously produced by the Chairman. This would then be reviewed before being sent out to potential companies to begin the tender process.
Action: Clerk to circulate draft tender document.
Action: All to review document and feedback.
Action: Clerk to circulate to potential companies.
External Reports
- To receive and resolve accordingly on reports from representatives on external bodies:
- Village Hall
Cllr Allen updated the meeting regarding the recent meeting with the Village Hall Committee. All agreed that the meeting was a great success and noted a couple of key points, including that the Village Hall would advise the Parish Council of any works being carried out, and the Parish Council would have sight of the Village Hall Committee minutes.
- Sutton St Edmund Charities
- Poors Land Charity
The Council noted that the Poors Land Charity meeting had taken place in December. It was also noted that all those who applied, as well as those thought to be in need, had received assistance accordingly.
The Council discussed the defibrillator and it was suggested that the Clerk contact BT regarding the location of the old phone box for defibrillator installation.
Action: Clerk to contact BT.
11. To consider any correspondence not included within the agenda
The Council noted the correspondence from LCC regarding the Budget & Council Tax proposal 2025-26, all agreed for the Clerk to post on Facebook.
Action: Clerk to post on Facebook.
Future meetings
12. To advise of items for inclusion at the next meeting
No items were suggested.
13. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting as:
- Wednesday 12th March 2025, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall
Action: Clerk to send future meeting dates to Cllrs Beatty and King.
Meeting closed at 8.59pm.