Environment Policy

To promote and ensure appropriate consideration is given to the environment whilst Council and its employees are conducting its business and activities.  In order to do this we need to take responsibility for our own actions and need to have a sense of duty and care for the world in which we live.

All full-time and part-time employees.  

This document also has a bearing on members of staff with delegated authority to purchase materials and or goods from suppliers and to instruct/ employ contractors to undertake various types of work on behalf of Council; as these third party activities can have a direct impact on the environment. 

Policy Statement
Sutton St Edmund Parish Council is committed to protecting and maintaining the quality of the environment by managing its land and properties and carrying out its services in an environmentally sensitive way where this is practicable and economical.   Council recognises the growing importance of environmental considerations and will, wherever practicable promote the concepts of sustainable development.  Sustainable development is about ‘meeting the needs of today’s society without compromising future generation’s ability to meet their own needs’ (Brundtland 1987).

We will reduce the amount of energy and water we use by:
•    Switching off lights and electronic equipment such as the photocopier  and computers when they are not in use
•    Keeping outside doors shut in cold weather
•    Making sure we turn off taps when they are no longer needed

We will reduce the amount of paper we use by:
•    Writing and printing on both sides of the paper whenever possible
•    Filing photocopies for use at a later date if appropriate
•    Sending information electronically where appropriate
•    Buying paper that is environmentally friendly

Any paper that cannot be re-used will be recycled

Purchasing & Contracts
Where possible, practicable and economical Council will purchase its goods and services from local suppliers who share the Council’s environmental view point:

•    Purchase and use products which have been manufactured from recycled materials and can be disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way.
•    Use contractors (as and when required) who share the Council’s environmental objectives or when working for the Council adopt equivalent environmental standards.

Waste Disposal
Council will aim to reduce the amount of waste it produces and where practicable recycle/re-use so reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfill.

Sutton St Edmund Parish Council fully supports SHDC Council’s recycling door step/kerbside collection scheme and will support and promote recycling facilities within the Parish. 

Management and Maintenance
Council will: 
•    Asses chemicals used, ensuring there appropriate safe disposal
•    Minimise the use of harmful pesticides. 
•    Routinely service and maintain equipment to ensure efficient operation.   

Litter & Dog Fouling
The Council will actively seek to discourage all forms of littering in particular Dog Fouling.  Any incidents brought to the Councils attention will be investigated and reported to the relevant authorities including the Police and Dog Warden. 

Natural Environment
Sutton St Edmund Parish Council will work to protect, enhance and preserve the natural environment within the Parish for today’s and future generation’s enjoyment.

Building & Development
Sutton St Edmund Parish Council will support planning polices (as detailed within the County Structure Plan, District Local Plan and Supplementary Planning Guidance) that conserve the countryside, with the aim of minimising the impact of the built form on the natural environment. 

Adherence to Policy 
It is the responsibility of the Clerk to notify and provide copies of this policy to staff. 

This policy will be reviewed regularly and amended as necessary. 

Approved by Full Council on the 22nd March 2016