March 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2019
Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held at SSE village hall.
Present: Cllr M.Coleman (Chairman), Cllr C.Hunns (Vice-Chairman)Cllr K. Bowman. Cllr A.Savage, Cllr M.O’Kane. Parish Clerk Mrs.C.Mackenzie
1. Chairman’s welcome.
a. Chairman Cllr Coleman welcomed everyone.
Public forum for 15 mins.
2. Apologies for absence.
a. None received. Cllr M.O’Kane sent apologies as may be late.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. None received.
4. Notes of the general meeting held on 23rd January 2019 had been distributed. It was proposed by Cllr Hunns and seconded by Cllr Savage and resolved to accept these as a true record of the minutes.
5. Police report.
a. There had been Police report given. Cllrs suggested we make contact with the local PCSO at Holbeach.
19.06pm Cllr M.O’Kane arrived.
6. To receive the latest financial report.
a. The latest finance report had been distributed and proposed by Cllr Bowman and seconded by Cllr O’Kane that this be accepted. Resolved to accept the repot.
7. Elections.
a. Clerk gave an informative discussion on how the election takes place and delivered the required paperwork.
8. Playing Field matters.
a. Cllrs for make a list of tasks and ideas for the playing field. A map of the area will help to give a broader picture of future plans.
9. Highways.
a. Nothing to report.
b. The Pride Team. Cllrs would like to thank the Pride Team for all their hard work in making the village more appealing with works completed.
10. Planning applications.
a. The local planning applications had been distributed and any comments due would be dealt with accordingly.
11. Correspondence.
a. Clerk had received an email regarding a questionnaire over open space and how the District Council interacts with the Parish Council. Reply will be sent accordingly.
12. Dates of the next meeting.
a. The date for the Annual Parish Council Meeting was proposed for Wednesday 15th May 2019
13. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. NONE
14. To resolve whether to move into closed session.
a. None requested.
Meeting closed at 19.25pm