September 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23rd September 2019
Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held at SSE village hall.
Present: Clls M.Coleman, C.Hunns, K.Bowman, A.Savage and M.O’Kane Parish Clerk
1 member of public.
1. Welcome.
Cllr Coleman welcomed everyone.
Public forum for 15 mins.
2. Apologies for absence.
a. None received.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. None received.
4. Vacancies.
a. There are two vacant seats on the Parish Council.
5. Notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 17th July 2019 to be accepted as the minutes.
a. Proposed by Cllr O’Kane and seconded by Cllr Bowman that these be accepted.
Resolved to accept these minutes.
6. Police matters.
a. No Police report had been given.
7. Financial matters.
a. The financial report had been circulated. Proposed by Cllr Savage and seconded by Cllr Hunns that these be accepted. Resolved to accept these figures.
8. Administration.
a. It was agreed to accept the revised meeting dates previously circulated and Clerk to send to the secretary of the village hall.
b. Dog poo bag dispenser had been discussed. To discuss with Tony Crofts from SHDC regarding swapping the bins around.
c. To request the camera van during peek times along Broadgate.
d. Defib training.
e. CSW equipment had been discussed and it was agreed that the Clerk get the figures for each piece of equipment.
f. Clerk said that the invoices had been send out to allotment holders.
9. Village hall.
a. The committee had received the £5000 grant, works will now take place to replace the facias and guttering and then windows. Events are taking place with a ‘farmers market’ due that week with over 25 stalls booked. Halloween parties, for both adults and children, a 1940’s T dance again, Christmas craft fair with santa. Quiz nights first Fridays of the months and they intend to replace the Village Hall sign with a more prominent one. Clerk to speak to SHDC regarding both the bottle bank and newspaper bank.
10. Playing field.
a. ROSPA report had been done with only minor items raised.
b. The trees maintenance has been added to the list for the grounds maintenance team and will take place in February.
11. Highways matters.
a. Nothing to report.
12. Planning.
a. The latest planning applications had been circulated and comments made on the SHDC portal.
13. Correspondence.
a. Any correspondence received had been included within the agenda.
14. Date of the next meeting.
a. To confirm the date if the next meeting as Wednesday 27th November 2019
15. Councillors reports and items for inclusion at the next meeting.
Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere in the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.
16. To resolve whether to move into closed session.
a. None.
Meetings closed at 8.20pm