January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January 2019

Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held at SSE village hall.

Present: Cllr M.Coleman (Chairman), Cllr C.Hunns (Vice-Chairman)Cllr K. Bowman. Cllr A.Savage Parish Clerk Mrs.C.Mackenzie

County Cllr N.Pepper. 3 members of public.

1. Chairman’s welcome.

a. Chairman Cllr Coleman welcomed everyone.

Public forum for 15 mins.

2. Apologies for absence.

a. None received.

3. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

4. Parish Councillor vacancies.

a. Application had been received from Marilyn O’Kane. Marilyn gave a brief introduction of her reasons to join the Parish Council. After discussion by Councillors, it was resolved to invite Marilyn to join the Council. Documents were exchanged and Marilyn was co-opted as a Parish Councillor.

5. Notes of the general meeting held on 27th November 2018 had been distributed. It was proposed by Cllr Hunns and seconded by Cllr Savage and resolved to accept these as a true record of the minutes.

6. Police report.

a. There had been Police report given.

7. To receive the latest financial report.

a. The latest finance report had been distributed and it was resolved to accept this.

b. The Clerk had stated that the outstanding allotment rent had finally been paid.

8. Administration.

a. It was noted that the notice board keys had finally been returned.

9. Village Hall Lease.

a. The village hall lease had finally been completed and monies had been received and also monies paid to Mossops for dealing with the matter.

b. It was requested that as Landlord the Parish Council should hold a set of keys. The village hall committee stated this wasn’t necessary as Cllr Savage is both a Parish Councillor and also a committee member.

c. The Clerk stated that the SHDC Pride Team have been instructed to do works around the grounds of the village hall as part of the works for the Parish Council.

10. Playing Field matters.

a. Play equipment inspection can now be extended to all Councillors.

11. Highways.

a. Nothing to report.

12. Planning applications.

a. The local planning applications had been distributed and any comments due would be dealt with accordingly.

13. Correspondence. Nothing to report.

14. Dates of the next meeting.

a. The date for the Annual Parish Meeting was proposed for Wednesday 20th March 2019 at 7pm.

15. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. NONE