March 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16th March

Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held via Zoom

Present: Cllrs M. Coleman, J. Wardill, G. Masters and M. O’Kane. Parish Clerk Miss D Leedham.

  1. Chairman’s welcome

Chairman Cllr Coleman welcomed everyone.

Public Forum

No items were raised during this part of the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence.

a. Apologies received from Cllr Pepper, reasons given and accepted by all.

3. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

4. Notes of the general meeting held on 19th January 2021 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. Cllr Masters requested the notes from the Council meeting on 19th January be amended to include the concerns raised with standing water along Broadgate which had been escalated to Cllr Pepper. Council resolved to accept the notes with the inclusion of the standing water discussion as a true copy of the minutes.

5. Police matters.

a. None received.

6. CSW report.

a. Cllr Masters updated the meeting on CSW activities, noting that CSW activities can commence as of 29th March providing Covid-19 regulations were adhered too. Cllr Masters advised that training would be restarting as of 17th May, attendance via Zoom is being looked into. Cllr O’Kane noted her interest in attending the training. Cllr Savage advised the meeting that concerns had been raised regarding speeding by an oil tanker through the village.

7. Financial matters.

a. The Financial Report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures.

Cllr Wardill joined the meeting at 7.17pm.

b. It was resolved to continue with the Council’s membership to LALC and subscription to LALC’s Annual Training Scheme.

8. Administration.

a. The Clerk advised she is continuing the process of reviewing the Council’s Policies and Procedures.

9. Throckenholt.

a.  Cllr Wardill advised that he is continuing correspondence with LCC Highways regarding outstanding works on Coronation Avenue, noting that next steps would be a formal letter to be drafted by the Clerk. Cllr Wardill advised the Cllr Pepper was following up on the missing road signs. Concerns regarding breaching of Covid regulations continues and are reported accordingly.

10. Village Hall.

a. Cllr Savage updated the meeting, noting that there is no fixed opening date and the Village Hall Committee had applied for a grant to cover the cost of new blinds and a projector.

b. The Chairman advised the joint Village Hall Committee and Parish Council meeting had taken place. He noted he had seen sight of the Insurance documents and updates from the meeting are as per Cllr Savages update.  The Chairman also noted, it had been agreed that an estimate for final completion would be forwarded to Council and enquired whether it would be possible to receive a schedule of works, Cllr Savage to feedback to the Village Hall Committee. After discussion the Council asked the Clerk to look at Hall Hire charges for the Council and confirm.

11. Playing Field.

a. The Chairman advised the grant application had been submitted, the Clerk noted that the decision was expected late April/early May.

The Council discussed the cleaning and maintenance of the Play Equipment, Cllr Wardill agreed to look at the play equipment and advise on any protentional replacements. Council resolved to remove the Basketball backboard if needed up to £250, Clerk to look at costings for cleaning of the equipment and use discretionary spend if required.

12. Highways.

a. The Chairman noted the recent update on outstanding Highways concerns from Cllr Pepper had been circulated.

13. Planning.

a. Cllr O’Kane advised that not all applications on the SHDC website had been issued to Council, Clerk to review and forward to all the outstanding planning applications.

14. Representation.

a. Council representation on external bodies to be reviewed at the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May.

15.  Correspondence.

a. The Clerk advised that having sought advice from LALC, concerns with the Tree in the Churchyard would need to be passed to Deanery and Church Warden.

b. Cllr Savage enquired regarding a message received in relation to renting of Allotments, the Clerk noted that the Allotments were of a large size than the individual was looking for. After discussion it was decided that the Clerk would look at requirements needed to set-up smaller allotment plot.

16. Date of the next meeting.

a. The next meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Tuesday 18th May, 7pm. Location to be confirmed.

17. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.

a. None received.

Meeting closed at 8.55pm.