November 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the general meeting of Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held on 16th November 2021 at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs G. Masters, C. Hunns, C. Hatch and Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk).

Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum

The Clerk raised concern on behalf of a resident regarding Road Closed signs on South Eau Bank in the recent days, the Clerk advised concerns with traffic reversing had been reported. The Council noted a number of occasions where were Road Closed signs were a concern and asked the Clerk to raised concerns with LCC Highways.

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Apologies from Cllrs Wardill and O’Kane, reasons given and accepted.

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of DPI’s.


3. Notes of the general meeting held on 21st September 2021 to be approved as the new minutes.

Council resolved to accept the notes as a true copy of the minutes, the Chairman duly signed.

4. To receive an update on the Councillor vacancies.

The Clerk updated the Council on the two Councillor vacancies. The Council discussed an application for one of the vacancies, Chris Allen was proposed by Cllr Hatch and seconded by Cllr Hunns. All agreed.

The Council discussed the handovers and resolved for Cllr Hunns to make contact, noticeboard keys to be redistributed and other remaining items to be passed to the Chairman with the exception of items relating to the Defibrillator and the telephone signs which are to be stored by Cllr Hatch. 

5. To receive updates from the local Police or report any incidents.

The Clerk advised no report had been received but advised Hare Coursing remained a concern at this time of the year.

6. To receive an update from the CSW team.

The Chairman updated the meeting on CSW activity, noting approximately 8.8% of vehicles in the last session were speeding.

The Council discussed applying to the Wrydecroft Wind Farm Grant for additional traffic calming measures including additional CSW equipment, welcome gates along Chapelgate, Broadgate and Throckenholt and vehicle activated signs. The Council agreed for the Chairman to research additional information and pricing and the Clerk to contact LCC Highways, send link for potential welcome gates suppliers and draft an application for the grant.

7. Financial matters.

a. To receive the latest Financial Report.

The Financial report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures.

b. To consider the 2022-23 Budget figures.

The 2022-23 Budget Figures were discussed and accepted.

c. To consider the proposed precept figures.

The Council resolved to set the precept at £9462.23.

8. To receive an update on Coronation Avenues outstanding actions.

Cllr Hatch advised the letter had been drafted and the Clerk was due to circulate to all for review.

9. Village Hall.

a. To receive an update on the Village Hall.

None received.

b. To review and resolve accordingly on the Council representation on the Village Hall Committee.

The council discussed representation on the Village Hall Committee and asked the Clerk to review the lease for the next Council meeting.

10. Playing Field.

a. To receive an update on Playing Field matters.

The Council discussed the inspection rota, Cllr Hatch to carry out inspections up to the end of March 2022. Concerns the playing field car park were raised, it was agreed for the Clerk to contact LCC Highways and forward the list of Highways approved contractors to Council.

b. To receive an update on the Wrydecroft Wind Farm Grant.

The Clerk updated the Council, noting she was in contact with CCF regularly. Cllr Hunns updated the Council on the most recent Wrydecroft Wind Farm Grant meeting.

11. To consider an update from Highways Dept.

The Clerk updated the Council on ongoing Highways concerns, the Council agreed to push forward with the request for shingles around the post box, raise concerns with inappropriate use of road signs along Luttongate and an abandoned vehicle.

12. To consider the latest planning applications should any be needed to be discussed at the meeting.

Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.

13. To discuss and resolve accordingly on the Local list of Heritage Assets.

The Council discussed and listed a number of locations, buildings and structures within the Parish.

14. To discuss and resolve accordingly on concerns with the overall condition of the Bus Stop on Broadgate.

Cllr Hatch raised concerns with the Bus Stop on Broadgate, including emptying of the bins, overgrown vegetation, lack of signage and pedestrian crossings. Council agreed to contact LCC highways regarding the lack of signage and pedestrian crossing and Cllr Hunns to request the bins are emptied.

15. To discuss and resolve accordingly on The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons.

The Council discussed and resolved to decline based on H&S concerns and costings.

16. To consider any correspondence not included within the agenda.

The Clerk advised the Council the VAT126 claim was progressing.

17. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 18th January 2022, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.

Date of the next meeting, Tuesday 18th January 2022, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.

18. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.

The Council asked the Clerk to speak with LALC to enquire the best course of action regarding concerns along Broadgate.

The Council asked the Clerk to look into the contractors used and ensure the documents on file are up to date.

Cllr Hatch updated the meeting regarding planning concerns on Broadgate, Clerk to add to the next meeting agenda.

19. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, Police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972), due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed. Should this resolution be passed, members of the public, Police and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

a. To discuss concern raised by email.

The Council agreed for the Clerk to enquire regarding further details on the concern raised.

Meeting closed at 9.28pm.