September 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the general meeting of Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held on 21st September 2021 at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs G. Masters, M. O’Kane, T. Patience, C. Hatch, 1 member of the public and Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk).

Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum

The Council and the resident discussed potential traffic calming measures for the Parish including suggestions made in the resident’s email to Council. Items discussed included village welcome gates, data storage and speed signs. 

Cllr Wardill arrived 7.09pm.

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Apologies from Cllr Hunns, reasons given and accepted.

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of DPI’s.


3. Notes of the general meeting held on 13th July 2021 to be approved as the new minutes.

Council resolved to accept the notes as a true copy of the minutes, the Chairman duly signed.

4. To receive an update on the Councillor vacancy.

The Clerk updated Council on the current Councillor vacancy.

5. To receive updates from the local Police or report any incidents.

The ongoing concerns on Coronation Avenue have now been resolved.

6. To receive an update from the CSW team.

The Chairman updated the meeting on CSW activities, noting in July & August approximately 16% of vehicles were speeding. The Chairman advised that three new volunteers had undergone CSW training and were now member of the CSW Team. The Chairman also noted, the Facebook updates had been well received and Council agreed for the Clerk to share to the Councils Facebook page.

The Council discussed the 40mph stickers and temporary signs, Clerk to pass to the Chairman for distribution.

7. To receive the latest Financial Report.

The Financial Report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures.

The Council resolved to remove Ms Savage from the bank mandate.

8. Throckenholt

a. To receive an update on Coronation Avenues outstanding actions.

The Council discussed the outstanding works on Coronation Avenue, it was agreed for Cllr Hatch to draft a letter to Cllr Pepper and Cllr Seymour requesting a multi-agency meeting to resolve the outstanding works.

b. To discuss possible applications for grant funding.

As above.

9. Village Hall

a. To receive an update on the Village Hall.

Though no update had been received, Cllr O’Kane advised the Village Party evening event had been a success and noted the Hall had a number of upcoming events including a Quiz Night, Halloween parties and a Movie event using the new screen and projector.

b. To review and resolve accordingly on the Council representation on the Village Hall Committee.

The Council agreed to discuss at the next meeting in November.

10. Playing Field.

a. To receive an update on Playing Field matters.

The Council noted the success of the Village Party, though it had been mentioned that the grass had not been cut and wasps were a nuisance.

b. To discuss and resolve accordingly on the trim trail.

The Council discussed the trim trial and other play equipment. Council agreed to £1000 spend on RoSPA concerns, Clerk to get arrange for quotes. 

c. To receive an update on the Wrydecroft Wind Farm Grant.

The Council discussed the Wrydecroft Wind Farm Grant and the potential of future grants. Discussions occurred regarding possible future equipment, grant applications and insurance costings.

d. To receive and discuss comments from residents regarding the park.

As above.

11. To consider an update from Highways Dept.

The Clerk advised the Council she had not yet received updates from the Highways department. Council asked the Clerk to speak with IDB regarding boundaries on Cross Road.

12. To consider the latest planning applications should any be needed to be discussed at the meeting.

Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.

13. To discuss SHDC suspended prosecutions for fly-tipping.

Cllr Wardill advised he has a meeting in October with Sir John Hayes to discuss SHDC suspended prosecutions for fly-tipping, he advised there had been no prosecutions since March 2020.

14. To consider any correspondence not included within the agenda.

The Council discussed concerns with 2 properties in the Parish and asked the Clerk to speak with the relevant authorities.

15. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 16th November 2021, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.

Date of the next meeting, Tuesday 16th November 2021, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.

16. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.

17. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, Police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972), due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed. Should this resolution be passed, members of the public, Police and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

Meeting closed at 8.52pm