May 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held on 18th May 2021 at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall


Present: Cllrs M. Coleman, J. Wardill, G. Masters, A. Savage, C. Hunns and M. O’Kane. 1 member of the public and Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk).

Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum

A resident raised concerns with potholes and enquired regarding markings on the path. Cllr Masters advised the LCC Highways were aware of the potholes and the Council suspected the markings related to future works on the path. The Council asked the Clerk to chase an update.

Cllr Savage raised a couple of concerns on behalf a resident, the first regarding the post box pathway, after discussion the Council resolved to ask Highways if shingles could be put down. The second concern was regarding the school bus stop and children crossing the road as the bus arrives. The Council asked the Clerk to enquire with the bus companies regarding the concern.

Summary of the Year

The Chairman gave an overview of the last year noting that two new Councillors had joined, and overall, the Council had achieved a great deal despite the lockdowns. Noting that the achievements included a great working relationship with the Village Hall committee which had continued virtually during the last year, the success of the CSW volunteers in helping to raise awareness of speeding in the village and also the part the volunteers play in helping to reduce speeding. The Chairman notified the meeting he was stepping down as Chairman and as a Councillor, the Council thanked the Chairman for all his work and dedication over his years as a Councillor.

7.14pm – Cllr Coleman left the meeting.

1. To Elect a Chairman.

Cllr Masters was proposed by Cllr Hunns and seconded by Cllr Wardill. All agreed.

2. Chairman’s declaration of acceptance.

Cllr Masters signed the Acceptance of Office as Chairman.

3. To Elect a Vice Chairman.

Cllr Hunns was proposed by Cllr Masters and seconded by Cllr O’Kane. All agreed.

4. Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Apologies were received from Cllr Seymour.

5. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of DPI’s.


6. Notes of the general meeting held on 16th March 2021 to be approved as the new minutes.

Council resolved to accept the notes as a true copy of the minutes, the Chairman duly signed.

7. To review and resolve accordingly on the following:

a. Council representation on external

i. Wryde Croft Windfarm Grant

The Council resolved for the representatives to be Cllr Hunns and the deputy to be Cllr Masters.

ii. Sutton St Edmund Charities

1.Education (2 seats)

The Council resolved for the representatives to be Cllr Hunns and Cllr O’Kane.

2. Poor’s (2 seats)

The Council resolved for the representatives to be Cllr Hunns and Cllr O’Kane.

iii. Village Hall

The Council resolved for the representative to remain Cllr Savage.

b. Subscriptions to external bodies

The Council resolved to continue with membership to LALC.

c. Insurance cover

The Council resolved to accept the insurance quote.

d. To determine the time and place of the next years meetings

The Council resolved future Parish Council meeting dates as follows:

13th July 2021

21st September 2021

16th November 2021

18th January 2022

15th March 2022 (APM)

17th May 2022 (APCM)

e. Asset Register

The Council reviewed and requested the removal of the 2nd laptop and the addition of the litter picking articles.

f. Asset Risk Management

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Asset Risk Management.

g. Code of Conduct

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Code of Conduct.

h. Complaints Procedure

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Code of Conduct.

i.Data Protection Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Data Protection Policy.

j. Data Breach Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Data Breach Policy.

k. Environmental Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Environmental Policy.

l. Equality & Diversity Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Equality & Diversity Policy.

m. Expenses Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Expenses Policy.

n. Financial Regulations

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Financial Regulations.

o. Handling Freedom of Information Request Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Handling Freedom of Information Request Policy.

p. Record Retention Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Record Retention Policy. Clerk to query the pay records.

q. Risk Management Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Risk Management Policy.

r. Risk Register

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Risk Register.

s. Safeguarding Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Safeguarding Policy with Cllr Savage as lead officer.

t. Social Media Policy

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Social Media Policy with Cllr Savage and the Parish Clerk as users of the Councils social media.

u. Standing Orders

The Council reviewed and resolved to accept the Standing Orders.

8. To receive updates from the local Police or report any incidents.

None received. Cllr Savage noted the flag from the Village Hall had been stolen twice and the pole had now been removed. Concerns with motorbikes had also been raised, all to monitor.

9. To receive an update from the CSW team.

The Chairman updated the meeting on CSW activities, noting two speedwatchs had been carried out since the last meeting of which approximately 8% of vehicles were speeding. Since August 2020, of 1493 vehicles 128 were speeding, approximately 9%. After discussion it was decided the Clerk would forward the local Police email addresses to Cllr Masters.

10. To receive the latest Financial Report.

The Financial Report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures.

11. Audit 2020/21 - to review and complete the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR 2).

The Clerk advised that the internal auditor was no longer carrying out audits and asked if a new auditor could be appointed. The Council resolved for Clerk to appoint a new internal auditor.

12. To receive an update from Cllr Wardill on Throckenholt.

Cllr Wardill advised the Clerk had sent the letter to Highways in relation to the outstanding works and were awaiting a response.

Cllr Wardill also advised that vehicles were struggling to use the road due to buildings works. The Council agree to raise the concerns with County Cllr Pepper if it persists.

13. To receive an update on the Village Hall.

Cllr Savage updated the meeting, noting the committee were still waiting for quotes, the kitchen door had been renewed and the committee were awaiting the result of their grant application. Cllr Savage informed the Council that the committee were getting quotes for a patio area to the rear and were looking into fencing and a shipping container. The Council asked the committee to put in writing a request for the works and asked the Clerk to circulate the lease.

Cllr Savage advised on 26th June the committee would be carrying out clean-up of the outside and the next committee meeting would be held on 8th July.

14. Playing Field.

a. To receive an update on Playing Field matters.

The Council thanked Cllr Wardill for cleaning the play equipment and Cllr Wardill updated on the review of the play area equipment.

b. To discuss and resolve accordingly on hedge maintenance.

The Clerk advised the Council she had made several attempts to contact the contractor and would continue to pursue.

c. To discuss and resolve accordingly on phase one and phase two.

The Council discussed the proposed phases and future funding possibilities; requesting the Clerk to circulate play equipment information for phase one.

15. To consider an update from Highways Dept.

The Council reviewed outstanding Highways concerns, discussions occurred regarding traffic calming measures, speed signs, welcome gates and flowers. The Council requested the Clerk to chase and where applicable to request schedule of works for the outstanding Highways concerns and look at prices for a speed sign.

16. To consider and resolve accordingly on the Village Party proposed date of 3rd July 2021 – How the Council will be involved.

Cllr Savage enquired regarding the use of the playing field for a proposed Village Party as a community event. The Council discussed the proposed party, insurance, committees and Council contribution. The Council resolved to pay £250.00 towards the party to assist with entertainment costs including the bouncy castles and requested the Clerk look at whether the Council’s insurance would cover the event.

17. To consider the latest planning applications should any be needed to be discussed at the meeting.

Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.

18. To consider any correspondence not included within the agenda.

The Clerk enquired regarding a new laptop; Council resolved to purchase a new laptop up to the value of £500.00.

19. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 21st July 2021, 7pm.

Date of the next meeting, Tuesday 13th July, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.

20. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.


21. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, Police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972), due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed. Should this resolution be passed, members of the public, Police and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.


Meeting closed at 9.36pm.