January 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the general meeting of Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held on 18th January 2022 at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs G. Masters, C. Hunns, C. Hatch, C. Allen, M O’Kane, County Cllr Pepper, District Cllr Seymour, 1 member of the public and Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk).

Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum

No items were raised during this part of the meeting.

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given.

None received.

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of DPI’s.


3. Notes of the general meeting held on 16th November 2022 to be approved as the new minutes.

Cllr Hunns requested an addition to point 4 to clarify the discussions, ‘old telephone signs also with Cllr Hatch’, all agreed. Council resolved to accept the notes as a true copy of the minutes, the Chairman duly signed.

4. To receive an update on the Councillor vacancies.

The Clerk updated Council on the two current vacancy. After discussion, Council agreed that if an election was not called the Clerk would advertise both vacancies on Facebook.

5. To receive updates from the local Police or report any incidents.

The Clerk advised no report had been received from the Police. Hare coursing was discussed as an ongoing issue, recent reports include activity on Gaunockgate and Hallgate. Information on reporting Hare Coursing to be added to the Parish Councils Facebook page.

The Council agreed for the Clerk to liaise with the Police regarding attendance at the next meeting. 

6. CSW.

a. To receive an update from the CSW team.

The Chairman updated the meeting, noting that due to the weather and darker evenings no sessions had recently taken place. He advised the meeting that the 40mph signs had been placed around the village and the Chairman proposed the purchase of 8 additional signs, all agreed. 

b. To review and resolve accordingly on the application for Wyrdecroft Wind Farm Grant.

Following on from the last meeting, the Council discussed additional traffic calming measures and the potential to apply to the Wrydecroft Wind Farm Grant for funding. It was agreed that the Chairman would circulate protentional suppliers to all for review and the Clerk would forward LCC approved contractors list.

7. Financial matters.

a. The Financial report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures.

8. Village Hall.

a. To receive an update on the Village Hall.

Cllr O’Kane updated the meeting noting the Village Hall was beginning to return to normal with new events planned and a recently started yoga class. The Clerk queried an invoice received from the Village Hall, after discussion, the Council asked the Clerk to review and circulate the original copy of the lease and action the invoice accordingly.

b. To review and resolve accordingly on the Council representation on the Village Hall Committee.

After discussion it was resolved for a member of the Council to attend Village Hall meetings as a representative on a rota basis.

9. Playing Field.

a. To receive an update on Playing Field matters.

Cllr Hatch updated the meeting, noting that the monkey bar section of the trail is in need of repair or removal and noted bin collections were sporadic and dog fouling had increased. Cllr Hunns proposed the removal of the monkey bars, all agreed.

The Council discussed the hedge height and tree canopy and resolved for the hedge height to be lowered and the tree canopy to be lifted.

b. To update and resolve accordingly on the Wrydecroft Wind Farm Grant.

The Council discussed the grant monies and asked the Clerk to circulate further information from potential suppliers.

10. To consider an update from Highways Dept.

The Council discussed a number of Highways concerns, including the pavement along Broadgate, Street light, Bus Stop markings/chevrons and litter bins. It was agreed that all would forward Highways concerns to the Clerk to collate and pass to Cllr Pepper.

11. To consider the latest planning applications should any be needed to be discussed at the meeting.

The Council asked the Clerk to review the SHDC planning portal and circulate the latest planning applications for comment.

The Council raised concerns regarding building works along Luttongate, the Clerk to enquire with SHDC.

12. To update on concerns with the overall condition of the Bus Stop on Broadgate.

The Chairman reported he had tidied up the area and installed a 40mph speed sign and the litter bins had been emptied. Cllr Hatch to review Risk Assessments.

13. To discuss and resolve accordingly on The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

The Council discussed potential options for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, and asked the Clerk to add to the next meeting agenda for further discussion.

14. To discuss Litter picking.

The Council thanked the Chairman for carrying out a litter pick over the festive period. Future litter picks, hi-vis for children and litter pick signs from Highways were discussed and the Council agreed for Cllr Hunns to lead on the next litter pick and the Clerk to circulate hi-vis options and contact Highways.

15. To consider any correspondence not included within the agenda.

Cllr Hunns reported she had received a letter from a person who had holidayed in the Parish as a child and was trying to trace the residents and/or their family. It was agreed that Cllr Hunns would add to Facebook.

After discussion, the Council agreed for Cllr Allen to be Facebook admin on the Councils Facebook page alongside the Clerk.

16. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 15th March 2022, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall to include the APM.

Date of the next meeting, Tuesday 15th March 2022, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.

17. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.

18. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, Police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972), due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed. Should this resolution be passed, members of the public, Police and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

a. To discuss concern raised by email.

The Clerk advised she had replied and no further response had been received.

Meeting closed – 8.44pm.