November 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the general meeting of Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held on 15th November 2022 at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.


Present: Cllrs G. Masters (Chairman), C. Hunns, C. Allen, M. O’Kane, C. Hatch, District Councillor Seymour, County Councillor Pepper, 23 members of the public and Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk).

Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum

The Chairman read through the Parson Drove Patient Participation group poster.

The Council agreed to suspend standing orders and allow the Public Forum to be extended to 30 minutes.

Residents raised concerns with the proposed Solar Farm; concerns included the proposed location, loss of access to public footpath, loss of arable land, lack of suitable infrastructure and damage to wildlife. The Chairman and Cllr Hatch noted that the proposed meeting with PACE Solar had been postponed and once a new date was confirmed the details would be released to the public. The Clerk advised that the Council had requested a second mail drop by PACE Solar with details of the new meeting once confirmed. It was agreed that the new meeting date would be advertised in the Notice Board, the Councils website and Facebook page. The form to collate questions in advance of the meeting would continue to be available and printed/printable copies added to the website and at the Village Hall. It was also agreed that the Clerk would invite local MP’s Sir John Hayes and Steve Barclay to the meeting with PACE Solar.

The Chairman thanked residents for attending.

Standing Orders were reinstated.

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given.

a. None.

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of DPI’s.

a. None.

3. Notes of the general meeting held on 8th August to be approved as the new minutes.

a. Council resolved to accept the notes as a true copy of the minutes, the Chairman duly signed.

4. Co-option.

a. Chris Coleman was proposed by Cllr Hunns and seconded by Cllr O’Kane. All agreed. Cllr Coleman declared an interest in the PACE Solar due to her husband’s involvement with the TSAG.

5. Police matters.

a. The Clerk advised no report had been received from the Police.

6. CSW.

a. The Chairman updated the meeting, noting that sessions had been held fortnightly and odd sessions would be held over the winter months.

The Chairman advised that the Wrydecroft Wind Farm grant application had been accepted and once monies are received the Welcome gates would be ordered. Council requested the Clerk contact LCC Highways and arrange a meeting to confirm the location. The Council discussed the next steps in speed reduction and it was agreed that Cllr Allen would begin the application process for the flashing signs. It was also agreed that the Clerk would draft a letter to LCC Highways requesting the reduction of speed on Broadgate from 40pmh to 30mph.

7. Financial matters.

a. The Financial report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures.

b. The Budget report for the 2nd quarter had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

c. & d. The Council resolved to defer the setting of the 2023-24 Budget and Precept to the next meeting.

8. Village Hall.

a. Cllr O’Kane advised the meeting of the upcoming events including the Bangers and Mash night, Christmas Fair and New Year’s Eve Party. Cllr O’Kane noted the success of the recent free Halloween Party which raised over £85. Concerns with a roof leak was also noted but repairs were imminent.

9. Playing Field.

a. The Council requested the Clerk chase the installation of the new play equipment. Cllr Allen updated the meeting noting that generally all was well and a working party day for minor maintenance in the Spring. Cllr Allen also advised that trim trail would probably require dismantling in the near future.

The Council discussed the hedge and trees across the Parish and asked the Clerk to chase quotes.

10. Highways.

a. The Council discussed and requested the Clerk contact LCC Highways to confirm the Car Park on Broadgate would be made good following the completion of works on Broadgate.

11. Planning applications.

a. Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.

b. Please see the Public Forum regarding the PACE Solar discussions.

12. Council representation

a. Cllr Hunns updated the meeting on the vacant position of the Poors Charity, Cllr Coleman agreed to consider the position and advised at the next meeting.

13. Kings Coronation.

a. Cllr Allen advised that Sutton St Edmund Village Event Society would be holding the Annual Summer Fair, this will be taking place on a different weekend to the Kings Coronation.

14. To consider any correspondence not included within the agenda.

a. None.

15. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting

a. Date of next meeting, Tuesday 10th January 2023, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.

16. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.

a. The Chairman requested ‘Bus Shelter Bench’ be added to the next meeting agenda.

17. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, Police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972), due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed.

a. The Council discussed upcoming projects and requested the Clerk produced a detailed document.