January 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Sutton St Edmund Parish Council held on 16th January 2024 at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs C Hatch (Chairman), C. Hunns, C. Allen, District Cllr Eldridge, Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk). 

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum


1.Apologies for absence and acceptance of reasons given

Apologies received from County Councillor Pepper.

2.To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations


3.To consider minutes from 21st November 2023 and resolve to approve as minutes

The Council resolved to accept the notes as a true copy of the minutes, the Chairman duly signed.


4.To review and resolve accordingly on the: 

a.latest Financial report

The Financial report had been circulated and it was resolved to accept the figures as below:

b. 3rd quarter Budget reports

Item deferred to the next Council meeting.

5. Planning

a. To review the latest planning applications and resolve accordingly:

Planning Consultations:

The following Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal:

H19-0983-23 – Replacement Outbuilding (comments to be added)

H19-0207-23 - Conversion of domestic garage into self-contained annexe (comments added)

b. Approved Applications:

H19-0910-23 - Change of use of site to pony paddock and stables – Retrospective (approved)

H19-0906-23 - Proposed Dwelling (approved)

To discuss and resolve accordingly on Solar Farms

7. The Council discussed the potential planning applications for Solar Farms, noting:

Applications would be presented to both South Holland District Council and Fenland District Council

Residents would be able to comment on both District Councils portals 

Previously, an application to Kings Lynn & West Norfolk was approved with a note from the Secretary of State regarding the number of Solar Farms locally and the loss of agricultural land

The Council agreed to ask both Solar Farm companies to attend a meeting in March, ideally the Annual Parish meeting.


7. To consider and resolve accordingly on:

a. updates from CSW 

Cllr Allen updated the meeting, noting the first Speed watch of the year would be taking place tomorrow. The Council discussed other ways of promoting the reduced speed in the Village and agreed to purchase 40, 30mph stickers for bins, Cllr Eldridge offered to cover the price. Clerk to also look at free 30mph repeater signs.

External Reports

8. To receive and resolve accordingly on reports from representatives on external bodies:

a. Village Hall

Cllr Allen updated the meeting, noting that the wifi was now up and he was awaiting confirmation regarding a date for the annual Village Hall Committee/Parish Council meeting.

b. Poors Charity

The Council noted the Chairman, Cllr Hunns and the Clerk’s attendance at the Poors Charity meeting.

c. Police Constabulary

The Chairman advised, he recently attended a Police Constabulary discussion and raised a number of concerns including concerns with the lack of cross-County working and its impact on local residents. 


9. To review and resolve accordingly on the Councils use of:

 a. Airtable

Cllr Allen and Clerk advised the meeting that the Clerk was now trained, and would start trialling.

b. Email addresses

The Parish Council discussed the use of .gov.uk email and deferred the decision until costs on googledrive could be sought.


10. To consider correspondence regarding the Defibrillator Grant

The Council discussed the Defibrillator Grant and potential locations, Clerk to look into options.


11. To consider any correspondence not included within the agenda

The Clerk advised the Annual Parish meeting would be taking place soon.

Concerns regarding dog fouling had been recently raised on Social Media, it was agreed that Cllr Allen would respond regarding dog fouling and the Council agreed additional signage upto £100 to be added to the Playing Field.

Cllr Allen mentioned he was looking to set-up a pride in Sutton St Edmund group, which would incorporate litter picks, village hall maintenance and he would advise further once more information was available.

Future meetings

12. To advise of items for inclusion at the next meeting


13. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting as:

Tuesday 19th March 2024, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall

Closed Session

14. To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider the following matters in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.


Meeting closed at 8.26pm.