November 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Sutton St Edmund Parish Council Meeting held on 14th November 2024 at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall
Present: Cllrs C. Hatch (Chair), C. Hunns, C. Allen, 11 members of the Public, S. Whitton (LCC), A. Killip (Meridian Solar), Miss D. Leedham (Parish Clerk)
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Public Forum
Presentation: Ms S Whitton, LCC Representative regarding Community Resilience
Ms Whitton introduced herself and the Community Resilience Team, noting the team consists of 11 members who act as co-ordinators, working with the voluntary sector, which includes two types of volunteers: trained and untrained. Their goal is to help reduce community vulnerability and act as a conduit for the transfer of information. They aim to support local communities and share resources where needed. Ms Whitton advised LCC Leader, Cllr Hill OBE, has called for increased resilience in the community at a local level and has proposed the establishment of community groups who would be utilised in case of an emergency or incident. The group would be called upon by fire control to offer support as required, within their local community, this could include opening Halls for refreshments. Scenario training is available for interested volunteers, and the service is free. Ms Whitton advised communities could link up to ensure groups are available should an incident occur.
Action: Clerk to post information link to the Council's website and Facebook page.
7.22pm - Ms Whitton left the meeting.
Presentation: Downing Renewable Developments LLP Representative regarding Meridian Solar
Mr Killip from Downing Renewable Developments LLP, the promoter for the Meridian Solar Farm, provided an update on the Tydd Solar Farm project. He explained that the next consultation for the Meridian Solar would take place in early 2025. The application would be submitted to the Secretary of State by the end of May 2025, with the first round of consultation being non-statutory. Over 400 pieces of written feedback had been received and considered, which helped refine the design. Mr Killip mentioned that the scoping report had been submitted, but no formal opinion had been issued by the Secretary of State. Mr Killip noted, Downing Renewables are liaising with LCC, SHDC, and Natural England to determine the necessary surveys to support the application. The environmental impact report will address land use, visual impact, road infrastructure, nature conservation, and a community benefit fund. Further details, including updates to site proposals and design, will be available in the first quarter of 2025, as part of the statutory consultation. The consultation will last six weeks and will be conducted in an accessible format for communities. The Council requested all future mail drops in corporate the whole Parish.
7.38pm A. Killip left the meeting.
The meeting started at 7.38pm
Apologies for absence and acceptance of reasons given
Apologies were received from District Councillor Eldridge.
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
No declarations of interest were received.
To consider minutes from 15th August 2024 and resolve to approve as minutes
The minutes from the meeting on 15th August were reviewed and the Council resolved to accept them as a true record, and the Chairman duly signed the minutes.
To review and resolve accordingly on the:
latest Financial report
The financial report was circulated prior to the meeting. The Council resolved to approve the financial figures as presented.
To discuss and resolve accordingly on the mechanism we have to account for ongoing costs for assets, whether that be maintenance or replacements
No changes were made regarding the ongoing costs for assets, all agreed to systems currently in place.
To review the latest planning applications and resolve accordingly:
The following Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal:
H19-0329-24 - Temporary ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) farm with battery - August onwards fresh information added - highlight on Facebook (for information purposes) encourage all to revisit and review - comments are still open.
H19-0152-24 – Siting of 3 LPG Tanks
H19-0156-24 - Siting of 3 LPG Tanks
Approved Applications:
H19-0620-24 - Change of use of holiday let to a single dwelling
To discuss and resolve accordingly on Infrastructure Projects including Solar Farms and Pylon upgrades.
Please see Public Forum.
To discuss recent resurfacing undertaken by LCC Highways just to the north of the Parish
Members discussed the resurfacing of Broadgate and Postland Road. Concerns were raised as to why these areas were prioritised over other roads locally and Council agreed to contact Cllr Pepper for clarification.
To discuss and resolve accordingly on street lighting in the Parish
The Chair raised concerns regarding the street lighting on Broadgate, noting some poles have LED upgrades whilst others have not, and some poles are without lights.
Projects (current and potential)
To receive updates and resolve accordingly on:
Speed signs
Clerk to chase LCC regarding installation and order speed signs.
Playground equipment
The Council discussed and agreed to a blue table tennis table with a solid base, as well as a three-bay swing to include a bucket swing, basket swing, and flat swing seat and a roundabout if funding allows. The Council also agreed to gym equipment to include an exercise bike and a workout station. The Council agreed to pursue more detailed quotes from two of the four companies for a final decision to be made. Further phases of the project will be delivered subject to funding.
Gym equipment
Please see above. email addresses
The Council discussed and resolved on an annual spend of £200 and an initial set-up budget of £200, the motion was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Allen. All members were in agreement.
Sutton St Edmund Village Sign and other update projects
The Council discussed and resolved on a budget of £750 for the Village Sign project, the motion was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Hunns, all members were in agreement.
Notice Boards
The Council discussed Notice Boards in the Parish and resolved to source costings for replacement notice boards across the Parish, Throckenholt to be Solar powered, and to draft funding application.
The Council noted training is ongoing.
Community newsletter
Deferred to a future meeting.
Dog bins
The Council discussed and resolved to purchase a replacement dog bin to the value of £300 to replace the dog bin near the playing field.
War memorial
The Chairman noted the Remembrance service for 2025 required more thought given the location of the War memorial. The Council resolves to arrange to clear back the shrubbery and speak with LCC regarding road closures. Clear shrubbery right back - ground maintenance contract for the PC.
External Reports
To receive and resolve accordingly on reports from representatives on external bodies:
Village Hall
The Council agreed to attend the December meeting. Updates regarding the lease and other issues will be discussed.
Sutton St Edmund Charities
Poors Land Charity
The Council noted the AGM had been held and the Poors Doles meeting was due to be held later in the year.
Wryde Croft Wind Farm Community Fund
Cllr Hunns updated the meeting.
To consider any correspondence not included within the agenda
The Council noted the correspondence regarding the allotments.
Future meetings
To advise of items for inclusion at the next meeting
No items were suggested.
To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting as:
Wednesday 8th January 2024, 7pm at Sutton St Edmund Village Hall
Meeting closed at 9.51pm.