Annual Parish Meeting - April 2024 Agenda


Dear All Electors of Sutton St Edmund Parish
You are invited to take part in the Annual Parish meeting on Wednesday 24th April, 7pm at Sutton St
Edmund Village Hall, under the Chairmanship of Cllr Chris Hatch (Parish Council Chairman).
Cllr C Hatch
Chairman to the Parish Council

Refreshments will be served from 6.45pm


1. Chairman’s Welcome
2. Meridian Solar presentation
3. Statement from Sir John Hayes MP
4. Update from the County Council
5. Update from the District Council
6. Update from the Parochial Church Council

Break - refreshments available

7. Update from the Parish Council
8. PACE - Tydd Solar presentation
9. Any other matters
10. Chairman’s close

Refreshments served including light buffet and wine